factory defaults, restoring 176, 189
failure, battery 189
answer mode 43, 156
coding schemes 239
compatibility 239
cover pages.
See online help
date and time 41
documents lost in transmission 187
invalid date or time 187
memory errors 187
receive options 155
required features 40
resolution specification 238
rings to answer 43, 156
send options 142
transmission reports 165
transmission speed 239
fax header
changing 151
restoring to factory default 176
setting 42
fax log
no room 189
printing 164
problems 201
setting when it prints 165
fax software.
See PC fax software
fax tones, receiving faxes when you hear
them 85
canceling 83
clearing from memory 87
forwarding 88
lost in transmission 186
notifying by pager 92
polling for 87
printing those received to memory 85
reducing to fit on paper 162
reprinting 86
retrieving from remote location 89
sending scanned items as 128

Index 277
adjusting contrast 70
adjusting resolution 70
cannot connect 188
errors in transmission 186
functions that work with 240
inserting pauses in numbers 72, 142
loading normal items 68
overview 62
regularly to the same group of people
resolution specifications 238
results in blank pages 220
selecting items 66
sending at a future time 81
sending overview 66
setting up to be polled 82
thick items 69
to an ad-hoc group 76
to multiple recipients 75
to one recipient 74
troubleshooting 195
using Document Assistant 63
using group-dial code 75
using PC fax software 64
with confirmation 79
FCC regulations 244
features 11, 12
features that work together 240
feeding problems, troubleshooting 222
Fine resolution 71, 171
Finland laser statement 243
floppy disks
cannot read 39
damaged 39
making for installation 37
ordering for installation 35
folders 53
See online help
forwarding faxes
canceling 88
using 88
front panel.
See control panel
front paper output slot
capacity 237
choosing 100
illustration 17
jams 180
when to use 100
functions that work together 240
future, sending faxes in the 81