label, paper loading
attaching 21
illustration 15
choosing output path for 100
tips for printing 106
landscape orientation
printing 97
See online help
language on display panel
changing 175
default 175
safety statement 242
safety statement for Finland 243
later, sending faxes 81
layering annotations.
See online help
leaking toner 230
letterhead, printing 101
license, software 257
See contrast
lights on control panel 48
line type, setting 155
link bar
illustration 52
using 128
links to other programs 128
See also online help
business cards 115
items to be copied 114
media 22, 98
normal items to be copied 114
normal items to be faxed 68
normal items to be scanned 122, 135
paper for copy output 113
paper for faxes received 84
paper input bin 98
thick items to be copied 115
thick items to be faxed 69
thick items to be scanned 123, 136
tutorial 55
log, fax
no room 189
printing 164
problems 201
setting when it prints 165
documents 188
faxes, reducing 162
pages, copying 119
pages, faxing 80
pages, scanning 132
long distance service, programming one-
touch key for 148
lost documents 186, 187