OCR (optical character recognition)
accessing 130
description 130
recommendations for using 130
scanning to text using 129
troubleshooting 211, 214
using to scan to text 124
offices, worldwide service 259
one-touch keys
description 144
illustration 48
programming 144, 148
report 166
online help 54
operating environment specifications 238
optical character recognition (OCR).
OCR (optical character recognition)
BIOS 265
confidential receive 160
fax receive 155
page stamp 159
resolution 71
send fax 142
floppy disks for installation 35
parts 235
replacement CD-ROM 35
software on floppy disks 236
software on replacement CD-ROM 236
orientation, selecting.
See online help
capacities 237
path, choosing 100
overview 11
ozone production 249