Installing the software
This section contains instructions for installing the HP LaserJet 3100
software in Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 3.1
x and for
setting required fax settings.
When you install software, you will be asked if you want an Express
or a Custom installation. The Express installation installs all of the
software and is recommended for first-time users. If you choose the
Express installation, the following are installed:
Installer software – installs all of the other software.
Configuration software – helps you configure and set up the HP
LaserJet 3100 product.
Driver software – allows you to print from your computer to the
HP LaserJet 3100 product and scan from the HP LaserJet 3100
product to the computer.
PC Fax software – allows you to send faxes from and receive
faxes to your computer.
The HP JetSuite™ Pro software – allows you to print, fax, copy,
and scan from your computer. Also lets you annotate, organize,
and store scanned items.
Optical character recognition (OCR) software – used to convert
scanned images into text that can be edited in word-processing
Online help – provides help for using the software.

34 1 Set Up